You can keep dishes for 48 hours. After 48 hours, you will receive an email from us reminding you to return your dish!
Currently, only individuals with a Univerisity of Alberta CCID may participate in DishZero, but we are working to expand our reach.
DishZero takes the health of all of its patrons and volunteers very seriously. We understand that users might be hesitant to choose reusables as campus reopens. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, special precautions have been taken to ensure the health and safety of all those involved in our initiative.
First and foremost, we have confirmed that DishZero is safe to use in the COVID-19 pandemic, as SARS-CoV-2 is very unlikely to transfer through fomite transmission (surfaces or pass through food). Nonetheless, DishZero will regularly sanitize all high-touch areas as recommended by scientists in the field. DishZero sanitization protocols meet Alberta Health requirements and will be conducted by professionals with appropriate food safety training at the Myer Horowitz Catering Centre. Furthermore, all transportation of containers before and after sanitization will be conducted by volunteers provided with biodegradable gloves and required to follow current COVID-19 safety guidelines.
Finally, all of our containers are BPA free, NSF certified, and microwave- and dishwasher-safe. Safety is DishZero’s top priority, and we are continuously reviewing Alberta Health regulations and researching better ways to keep the campus community safe. All future amendments to our safety protocol will be listed on our website.
For more information on Alberta Health health guidelines please follow this link:
If you have a question that was not answered here, please contact us! We are happy to answer your question and update our FAQ page.